Sewer Rectification Completion Effort
Mon-E-Bak / Brown Road East
We are pleased to share that construction to provide sewer systems in the Mon-E-Bak and Brown Road East areas is nearly complete, and the home to sewer connection process can now begin.
To see a list of Sewer/Water Contractors please go to: on how to find the list on this website, including information on the entire sewer connection process, can be found within our Sanitary Sewer Connection Process document.
The deadline to connect is Dec. 20, 2019. Connecting homes to the sewers in these areas is the final step of the sewer rectification/completion effort. By law, all properties are required to connect to the rectified sewer system.
Financial assistance is available to those who meet all financial assistance program requirements.
The deadline to file an application is Feb. 16, 2018. Information regarding program eligibility is available via the Financial Assistance Fact Sheet, the Financial Assistance Application, and on the FAQs webpage, all found below.
We appreciate your patience through this process.