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Franklin County is committed to maintaining a high level of customer service throughout this process, and has contracted with local engineering firm Brown and Caldwell to perform this evaluation. Brown and Caldwell and its sub-contractors will be accessing the sanitary sewer system in the Franklin County service area during the next several months. In some locations, workers may need to enter yards to physically view manholes, survey their coordinates and view underground pipes. There should be no heavy equipment on or disturbances to property. The laws of Ohio, Ohio Revised Code Section 163.03, allow for such entries.



Dear Owner/Resident:

Franklin County Department of Sanitary Engineering is conducting an area-wide Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study (SSES) to assess the sanitary sewer system serving Franklin County customers. This will include field evaluations to assess the condition of these critical underground pipes and a desktop analysis of the findings which include mapping, hydraulic modeling and assigning a condition rating. This work will help identify where future improvements may be needed to provide the most efficient collection and transport of wastewater from your home or business to the wastewater treatment plant for processing and safe return to the environment.

Franklin County is committed to maintaining a high level of customer service throughout this process, and has contracted with local engineering firm Brown and Caldwell to perform this evaluation. Brown and Caldwell and its sub-contractors will be accessing the sanitary sewer system in your area during the next several months. In some locations, workers may need to enter yards to physically view manholes, survey their coordinates and view underground pipes. There should be no heavy equipment on or disturbances to property. The laws of Ohio, Ohio Revised Code Section 163.03, allow for such entries.

Study information will be posted at in the coming weeks. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Rhonda Harris or Elizabeth Ehret of Brown and Caldwell at (614) 410-6144, or contact me at (614) 525-5249 or via email at [email protected].

We appreciate your cooperation in advance for helping us complete this worthwhile project.

K. Marie Doklovic,
E Project Manager

 Click to download the official letter

 Click here to download the door-hanger


If you have questions or concerns, please contact:

Steve Donovan or Ben Vandermeyden
Phone: (614) 410-6144
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

K. Marie Strandwitz, PE, Project Manager
Phone: (614) 525-5249
Email: [email protected]